
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Connection between Sugar Intake and Tooth Decay

Before sugar intake lead to hear something alarming about your dental health , it’s worth hearing something alarming about the sugar itself. The very important thing about sugar to remember is that it doesn’t contain any valuable nutrients which could help you in the betterment of your health. Most of us think that bacteria in the mouth are actually responsible for tooth decay. While there is no denying this fact, associating sugar with the strengthening process of oral bacteria has proven to be a false theory. One thing that you should keep in mind is that bad bacteria also need the same kind of nutrients which can be useful for humans. Anything without sufficient nutritional value is not very useful for the bacteria as well. Having that said, the type of bacteria that results in tooth decay is most commonly known as Strep Mutans. If we discuss about the theory which states that sugar is not directly harmful for teeth, we can conclude that sugar is actually something whic...